Monday, June 22, 2009

Off the 405

Went to a free music event at the Getty Museum on Saturday Night called "Saturdays off the 405." It was a surprisingly large crowd, but still on such a beautiful evening with perfect weather, I was very happy to be there.

Once a month in summer the Getty hosts these events, starting a 6PM. Good news is free parking. Bad news is $7 for a glass of wine in a plastic cup.
The crowd is twenty-thirty somethings, with some families mixed in. It's actually very pleasant and casual. You can wander in the gardens if you want to escape, and in fact one of the smartest things may be to smuggle in you own wine and snacks, and hang out there, letting the music wash over from the plaza.

The first band, was like a pale imitation of Berlin (late 70's/early 80's punk band). I stayed away from that. The next group, featured a talented vocalized wailing in either Celtic, or simply in nonsense verse to ambient synthesizer instrumentals. I know that sounds bad, but it was quite nice for the setting. The main plaza was more alive than I'd ever seen it, and the security forces of the Getty were politely present--just trying to maintain a 10' clear swath through the crowd.

The galleries are all open, but of course most of the visitors could care less, especially about looking at things like the French furniture collection. So, if you need a respite, try hanging out underneath the Louis Quinze chandelier with the crystal fishbowl underneath.
I wish the main cafe was open, but now it's only used at lunch time, so other than making a reservation at the pricey but superb restaurant, your stuck with snack, or maybe a sandwich from the lower plaza cafe. At least if you go there a drink is only six bucks.

The event starts at 6PM. Free parking after five, though it can be a slow crawl down into the bowels of the garage. Concessions close promptly at 8:30.
One of my favorite parts of the evening was being able to walk slowly down the hill with hundreds of other people who didn't want to be crammed into the packed trams. Having had a strangely alcoholic cocktail for my final drink (I believe it was made with Persimmons, Cardoman, Rum, and Qualudes, I was most happy to sober up on this nocturnal stroll.

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